“Originality is what frees us from routine.”-HT Everyone has known those moments when you look for something to do with your partner, but can’t find anything new. Due […]
As we know, the idea of a challenge stimulates the libido. Even better, erotic games for couples create excitement. This is why, making love outside can appear as an exciting challenge to take up! Halfway between a game and a challenge. In terms of realizable fantasies, sex in an unusual place is one of the most common and exciting scenarios. Your imagination doesn’t have to go far to come up with an idea for your future sex romp! We give you the best places to make love outside.
Why would you make love outside? Because, whether it’s for one night or for life, we all like to experience new things in our sex life. And it’s not a taboo anymore! Several factors come into play in terms of excitement: braving the forbidden, the fear of being surprised, testing something new… 💦 It is largely for these reasons that the intensity of pleasure felt is often proportional to the risk taken. The greater the risk taken, the greater the pleasure! When the brain confuses fear with pleasure, you could step out of your comfort zone and experience new sensations!
Making love in nature is a rather poetic thing, you reconnect with Mother Nature. Well, it’s a bit wild, but there is something very romantic about making love outside. On a walk, if you feel like it, you can perfectly find a bush, or a space protected from prying eyes… Although. There are also benches, but we advise you to avoid them, afterwards we won’t really know if we can sit down in peace 😜
To make love outside, the fitting room is a rather easy challenge. We won’t suspect you of going in together! Although now, stores often prohibit the accompaniment in booths. It was necessary to complicate things a bit, here it was much too simple. There is no camera, and you have coat racks and sometimes even a small seat. Finally, the only detail you really need to pay attention to is the closure of the booth: a curtain, a door… In any case, there is little chance that the bottom is closed, so be careful not to wake up the suspicions of the sellers.
The myth of the dressing room is not new. Everyone has heard someone share their more or less fantasized experience behind the curtain of a clothing store. We also remember scenes from films and series as well. It is definitely one of the most emblematic places to make love in all discretion. From there to actually do it…In the same way, we recommend you a photo booth! It’s a small booth, rarely occupied, people don’t queue up all the time in front of it (except for special occasions or back-to-school time)… You’ll be fine. The best is to do it in the middle of the day when people are working. And why not take the opportunity to put this memory on paper 😉
… Shellfish. Yes we had to do it. Having sex on the beach is a particularly enticing experience. We imagine a romantic picnic on a tropical island, under the coconut trees, with a sunset to light the whole thing. Very cliché, but it makes you dream! However, remember to bring a large beach blanket, because the sand on your private parts, with the friction of your two bodies, you risk irritation… Less satisfying for the blow. 😫 Having sex in the sand and salt water may sound very exotic, but is not the most comfortable in reality. Because of this, if you want to make love outside, forget the sea!
Prefer the pool. Indeed, the water carries you and brings you additional sensations, It must be said that water and buoyancy, which go with it, allow you to perform feats. 😏 But the other advantage of the pool lies in its structure: step, ladder, ledges… So many opportunities to change position and vary the pleasures. However, we recommend you to do it in a private pool. It will not be really unusual, but the instruction to make love outside will be respected!
Again, like the pool, it’s not really outdoors, or at least it’s not an unusual place… Unless you park the car in a place intended for the public! The advantage is that you can decide to go to a place a little secret, atypical, where there will be nobody! On the side of the road, on a freeway service area, in a parking lot, or in a central square. It’s up to you to choose between the taste of risk, in the middle of the day in a city center, or the security, in the middle of the night in a field… We have to admit that making love in a car is tempting. We dream of living this scene, where we see a hand on the fogged window, worthy of the greatest romantic movies. 🥰
In the same genre, to make love outside, or almost, we advise you: the plane! There, you don’t have the possibility to move your sleeping place, and it will certainly be very uncomfortable considering that it will be the toilet. Unless you have a private jet, but, we have a little doubt there… 😉 You will be able to enjoy this dose of adrenaline and the joy of being able to get laid, literally and figuratively.
This one is a must for places to make love outside! It has been seen dozens of times in movies and TV series. Some singers have even made songs about it, or music videos, when it’s not both at the same time… We understood your desire to be weightless 😏 Making love in an elevator can therefore seem very cliché, and rightly so! However it is an easy place to find, since the majority of buildings are equipped with them. Now you have to find one that, ideally, is not entirely made of glass… Otherwise, goodbye discretion.
Imagine this… You have an appointment on the top floor of a building in Dubai (yes, we have the right to dream, but it’s especially because the highest buildings are there), and you and your partner have an irresistible desire to satisfy this fantasy. What better way to do this than to block the elevator, hit the emergency button and indulge in some foreplay? We just hope an alarm won’t go off!
And if you like to play dangerously, get into a full elevator, and go to the bottom to turn each other on. Especially since elevators are often equipped with mirrors. If that’s not a turn-on 💦
If you don’t have too many ideas for a romantic and original date, you can always make a cultural outing! A movie at the cinema, a play or why not an opera from the balconies? If you want to spice up these activities a bit, you can always try to fulfill a fantasy: make love outside. That way you’ll be able to enjoy yourself and cultivate yourself, killing two birds with one stone!
The movie theater is for the shy ones. It’s dark, the sound is so loud that you won’t be heard (try not to make too much noise either, some people are watching a movie). And if you’re not completely comfortable, you can always choose seats in the back row for the morning session. There will be no one there and it will be a good way to start the day!
In a similar vein, you can try doing this at your workplace. It’s more complex, but either your partner joins you or you join him, just make sure you have easy access to the bathroom or, for the lucky ones, a private room (like an office). There might be some dust, so take precautions and your colleagues might hear you, or worse, surprise you… But that, in the end, is just a tiny detail. Here again, we have seen dozens of scenes in movies and TV shows, we can imagine ourselves perfectly sending everything on the desk to the ground with a simple backhand stroke… But don’t do it, it’s boring to pick up the papers afterwards. We won’t lie to ourselves, it’s not the easiest option to make love outside! That’s why this option is more for couples who work together or colleagues who are secret lovers!
We hope that at least one of these places has inspired you to experiment and spice up your sex! Dive into your imagination and your city to find the perfect place to make love outside.
Warning! Major and important information to take into account: think discretion! We remind you that according to the law of your country, “sexual exhibition imposed on others in a place accessible to public view is punishable by year’s imprisonment and a penalty”. So if you don’t want to risk a fine, or worse, prison, be smart and discrete. A crazy sex session is not worth as much trouble… Well, we say that, now you do whatever you want 😉
“Originality is what frees us from routine.”-HT Everyone has known those moments when you look for something to do with your partner, but can’t find anything new. Due […]
Let’s be real—having great sex isn’t just about technique; it’s about connection, communication, and a little creativity. If you’re looking to spice things up or just feel closer […]
It may be one of your fantasies, have you ever had sex in the shower or at least outside the bed? This year it’s decided, with your partner heading […]