A perfect couple : fiction or reality?

A perfect couple : fiction or reality?

The Netflix mini-series “The Perfect Couple” has got everyone talking. But what is a perfect couple? Does it really exist and why do we want to be perfect at all costs?

A perfect couple: when the dream turns into a nightmare

In “The Perfect Couple,” we follow Amelia and Benji, who are about to get married. Everything seems perfect in their lives, but on the morning of the big day, tragedy strikes: the body of Merritt, Amelia’s best friend, is found dead on the beach. 😱

What was supposed to be a celebration turns into a Cluedo-worthy investigation where every character becomes a suspect.

A perfection… on the surface

What we take away from this series is that the image of the perfect couple can be deceiving, even revealing much darker stories. Behind the smiles and appearances lie secrets and tensions, we go through almost all the vices.

The characters have secret affairs, family conflicts, and even murders. The Winbury fortune also creates rivalries and greed. In short, what seems ideal often hides a disturbing reality.

So is the perfect couple: myth or reality?

We often have this image of the perfect couple: those who never argue and live in constant harmony. We compare ourselves, we question ourselves, but is it realistic?

Why do we compare ourselves to other couples?

Have you ever caught yourself envying the couple next door? It’s normal, we all do it! This tendency to compare ourselves to other couples is common, but it can be dangerous for our own happiness.

Many factors push us to compare, especially the images we receive via social media or simply in everyday conversations. People who ask you: “When are you getting married?”, “When are you having kids?”. These questions asked by loved ones, although innocent, can also push us to compare ourselves and doubt our own journey.

Here are some tips to avoid the comparison trap:

  • Remember that each couple is unique: Your story, your challenges, your joys are yours.
  • Focus on your own goals: What really matters to you two?
  • Limit your exposure to social media: Or at least, take a step back from what you see there.
  • Communicate with your partner: Share your concerns and aspirations.
  • Celebrate your own victories: Big or small, they’re important to you!

Perfection doesn’t exist (and that’s a good thing)

Experts agree that the perfect couple doesn’t exist. And that’s actually good news. Each person comes with their own experiences, strengths, and weaknesses. This diversity makes each couple unique.

Not perfect, but happy

Accepting imperfection

Instead of seeking an illusory perfection, why not celebrate authenticity? Disagreements and moments of doubt are an integral part of a healthy relationship.

A happy couple isn’t free from problems, but they know how to communicate to overcome obstacles together.

Tips for being a fulfilled couple (if not a perfect one)

  • Communicate: Talk openly about your feelings.
  • Accept your differences: Everyone has their own tastes and opinions.
  • Maintain your individuality: Having separate activities is important.
  • Show kindness: Mutual support strengthens your bond.
  • Keep the flame alive: Take time to create moments together.

LovBirdz: the app to strengthen your bond

If you’re looking to deepen your connection with your partner, the LovBirdz app can be useful. It offers questions to get to know each other better and address important topics in a relaxed and rather fun way. 💛

Don’t hesitate to check it out by downloading it right here 👈👀

The Netflix series “The Perfect Couple” reminds us that behind appearances often lie more complex realities. The real perfect couple isn’t the one that never has problems, but the one that knows how to face them together. (inspiring, isn’t it)

So, instead of seeking perfection, focus on everyday happiness. Communicate, learn to know each other, and appreciate the moments shared.

Ready to build your own version of the perfect couple? The important thing is to be together, imperfections included. (but still try to avoid killing people)

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