best friend is in love with you ?

How do you know if your best friend is in love with you ?

Even though we believe in friendship, sometimes love feelings are stronger. This is even often the case. And we fall in love 😍. Indeed, a bond of friendship can turn into romantic feelings, especially when one of the two friends has a physical attraction for the other. As soon as the attraction is shared, the two friends will often try to become a couple.
Is this a guaranteed disaster? A mistake or a genius idea?

Today, we will see at different points if your best friend is in love with you with the different signs which can translate romantic feelings.

His body language is your first clue!

If you think your friend is in love with you, the first thing to pay attention to is their body language. Often, this non-verbal communication is the product of unconscious romantic feelings. If your best friend is in love with you, then he will find it hard to hide his feelings and maybe he will try to have a little physical contact with you, like touching your arm, your hand, for example.
If you regularly see that your arms accidentally touch, your legs cross under the table maybe a little too often, or that you are always really close to each other when you are speaking : it’s not involuntary! It can be unconscious but not involuntary 😏 (do you see the shade of difference?).

Your best friend is in love with you if it gets lost in your eyes 👀

The way of look is a good indicator to know if your friend has a crush on you! Even if your friend tries to hide his feeling to you, his eyes will talk for him.
We are not talking about a short visual contact like we can have when we run into somebody in the street or during a conversation. In this situation, the way of looking is brief and often fleeting. No, we are talking about feeling, about your friend gazing at you when you’re talking, looking at you repeatedly throughout the day! Indeed, it is possible that he looks at you longer than necessary, because he tries to read you. It’s also possible that he looks away when you are looking to him, because you make him nervous, maybe that’s your second clue 😉 ?

His behavior within your group of friends is another clue

If when both of you are with your friends, your best friend has a particular attitude with you and only you, so that would maybe mean he has special feelings for you. If your best friend is in love with you, and only goes out with your mutual friends when you are available, or organizes activities that make you particularly happy…I let you guess what it could mean 😁 ? Thereby he will do anything and everything to spend time with you because he likes it. This is your third clue that he is attracted to you!

If your best friend has romantic feelings for you, then he will be frustrated to not be able to spend time alone with you. Almost any excuse will be good to spend time with you! If you suspect your BFF sees you not only as a friend and you think he wants to go further with you, just compare the behavior he has with you to the one he has with others…
Of course, it is also possible that this relation is only platonic, but there is another sign capable of dispelling the mystery! In his eyes, your opinion and your reactions are the only ones that matter because he hopes to receive your approval for everything he does or says.

Your best friend is in love with you if he tries to make you laugh every time

Humor is a good weapon for seduction! A sneer, a simple smile, a giggle… It doesn’t matter how much you laugh, as long as YOU laugh at his jokes. If your best friend is in love with you, he will only be happier! It’s a way to have a good time with each other. It’s the same when it’s you who make jokes. Your friend is the first person who laughs at your stories. And if you notice he’s making a special smile, only for you, that is another good clue! ✨

How to know if your best friend is in love with you, he laughs at all your jokes? So it's won!

He has such a good memory!

If your best friend is in love with you, there is probabilities that he will remember all the little details about you, what you said, for example. The way you were dressed, your perfume, the day and the moment when you first meet each other, the book you have bought together…In short, your everyday life and your little habits will become his.
There is also the possibility he is trying to impress you with his knowledge about you. By wishing you a happy birthday at midnight sharp, remembering the name of a family member who matters to you, the number of moles you have on your face. In short, he spent a lot of time watching you, fifth clue that your best friend is in love with you!

Your best friend is in love with you if he is very protective!

If it is often a quality we want our partner to have because it reassures us, it is also a sign that your best friend is in love with you. It means this person in particular, will be the first one ready to take your defense, to give you reason, and make all he can for anybody can’t hurt you.
You deserve respect and he intends to make sure of it!
But remember, there is always an interest behind every action. Indeed, if he is very (too?) protective of you, it is above all, for fear of something will happen to you, or out for fear of losing you, whether physically or in friendship.

This protection can manifest itself in a form of jealousy! Whether it is towards your friends, your BFF is wary of your friends and your crushes. If he often talks negatively about your ex-boyfriends / girlfriends and thinks none of them deserve you, or if he constantly implies that you deserve better… It’s not subtle, but it’s a way to make you understand that you maybe have to be with him. It’s also a way for this friend to know your type of romantic partner if you are or not in a relationship. In short, it’s a way to stay close to you. And another clue!

He takes care of you excessively? He is in love!

Be careful, it is also an obvious characteristic for friends, but in this specific case, this feature is accentuated. Indeed, even though things have always been clear between you, if your best friend is in love with you, he will continue to hope for a relationship with you and does not realize that he is in the friend zone.
It won’t be small intentions like handing you a handkerchief when you have a cold. It’s much more! A particular attention, the one that puts you in doubt about his real intentions. Be careful not to abuse these attentions! We are talking about friendship, not domination or manipulation 😉.

how to know if your best friend is in love with you, he overprotects you? It's a clue!

But the real question of is : is this really a good idea?
As we believe in love and romantic feelings, we want to tell you that try to become a couple knowing your best friend is in love with you seems to be a good idea. The advantage of being in a couple with your best friend is that your romantic relationship will be strong because the one you have as best friends already is.
The definition of a best friend is in fact that this person knows you by heart. You talked about anything and everything, during good and bad moments, for months and even more. You lived different experiences together, it’s no mean feat! 😊

For all these reasons and signs that are showing your best friend is in love with you, try to become a couple seem to be a good idea. However, be aware that there is no way to say if this relation will work for you two, especially if you are not sure of his feelings for you (or yours?).

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